An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"You have a stupid face. Your arms are okay, your stomach is fat, and you suck it in in your videos. And your legs are okay too. Your feet are whack as fuck, yo. They look like they've been through fuckin' war. And your nose has a butt in the middle of it—it looks kinda like an ass. Just like you when you get drunk and stupid. You fuckin' asshole, you just wanted a medal last night for takin' a fuckin' cab. It shoulda been what you done on your own anyway—that's the only reason you answered the fuckin' phone. You're nothing but a performance artist in your own life. You need to be honest with your damn self about what you really are. You could find someone if you'd stop being a controlling bitch."

"Do you love me?"

"Yeah, I loathe you a lot."

"Okay. Thank you. That's all I care about."