An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



Ramona [AFTER she revealed herself to be a catfish]:
"When we meet, that will be as friends."

"That'll be as friends, but I'm not gonna shut sex out."


"I love that you're of age."

—to Winnie


"I didn't HAVE to workout. With the amount that I sweat, I didn't have to workout today, cuz I was doing enough just by sweating." 

—to Tiffany (Casey)


"You're a grownup, that's for sure. You don't see a minor with tits like that." 

—to Emma


"Why is he payin' attention to my sex tits?"

—to Jamie, after she said Will wasn't impressed by Lorne's sex tips


"What're you doin'?"

"I'm taking a shower."

"Thanks for the hard-on."


"The words speak for itself."

—to Cas3y


"You're so awesome at not—not fuckin'—carin' if you spend time with me or not."

—to Jamie


"You didn't lie to the DRUGS, but you fuckin' lied to ME!"

—to Winnie


"Jamie, the only place I dumped your brussy juice was down my throat and on my eggs and THEN down my throat."


"I'm gonna be in YOUR scrotal area."

—to Winnie


"I love you like a daughter."

—to Rhoda


"Yeah, well, that's okay! Eric is there to calm your fuckin' nerves and stick his fuckin' cock in you! Bye!"

—to Winnie


"That's actually probably about the same thickness as mine."

—to Human-Jamie, about Lamondre


"I'd so much love to have your voice in my ear right now. Or even your whisper."

—voicemail to Tiffany (Debbie)



—to Jamie


"Maybe me gettin' suspended from [Sexual Offender Treatment] class will help me get things more straightened out in my head."

—to Tiffany (Casey)


"You know how fuckin' happy that made me when she called me DADDY?!"

—to Winnie, about Rhoda


"So... okay, that's allllll I'm leaving for a message for now, other than saying 'I love you'.... and I wish you were here.... and you give me a hard-on."

—voicemail to Human-Jamie 


"I'm gonna marry you, Casey."

"Oh, are you now."


"That's a weird thing to say to someone you're not dating."

"Yeah, well, I've known I wanted you for a long time anyway, so."


"Don't fuckin' try to crawl away from what you fuckin' did."

—to Ramona


"Our dreams together shot to shit because you couldn't be REAL."

—text to Jamie


"I'd very much love to have you sitting on me."

—to Winnie


"Tell that stupid bitch to unplug her nose when she sings. She sounds like she has two bananas stuck up her nose."

—text to Jamie, about Maggie Jo


"If you knew what you were doing, then you wouldn't'a done the stuff that you did."

—to Tiffany (Debbie)


"That was my butt restin'."

—to Jamie, explaining why his bawt looked flat


"Throw me some bliss!
I'm waitin' for you n' your tits!"

—to Winnie, freestyling "poetry"


"If my woman fuckin' believed in me, I can work fuckin' miracles."

—to Ramona, after she told him he would never be the kind man the Doctor is


"I was throwing 6-foot logs, Dan, what was you doing? Throwing 6-inch pencils?"


"You never used to separate yourself from the dogs and the chickens."

—to Jamie


"Doesn't matter if you have oxygen or not, you got plenty of guys there that wanna see you naked."

—to Winnie


"This woman is only staying for 6 days and going home. And I have told her about Jamie and I told Jamie that I told her about Jamie."

—email to Cas3y, about Sue