An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"If you see something you want—get it! But get it legally. And get it in a moral way. Not in a SLUT way." 

—to Rhoda


"I'll tell him, 'You knowww, I know somebody that would be PERFECT in your movies.' That's what I'll tell him. I'll say, 'I have the perfect person for you to—to play in your next movie.'" 

—to Cas3y, about how he will get her parts in Stephen King's movies


"So what're ya gonna do, nitpick me through life?"

—to Jamie


"Sometimes I don't like to SAY that I'm shitting. Sometimes I like that privacy. Sometimes I want alone-time with my shit." 

—to Emma


"Tell 'em if they like women they're supposed to like fish."

—to Rhoda


"Who in their right mind would watch a fuckin' porn video of somebody that tried to kill you?" 

–to Winnie, about Debbie watching a video of Angelo


"Yeah, virgin my ass. I was a wicked male slut." 

—to Tiffany (Debbie)


"You're a piece of shit."

"Yeah, well you're a big piece of shit."


"Shut up! Ye—you're my fuckin' wife, so shut up."

—to Winnie


"Hey, is the doctor there laughing with you?! Because the way you're putting it off, the doctor's right there fuckin' laughing with you, and probably waggin' his fuckin' dink." 

—to Ramona


"You don't prefer steak to flounder, but you certainly do prefer impressing people over your husband." 

—to Winnie


"I think you been fuckin' cahootin' with Emma!"

—to Ramona 


"Leave them motherfuckers right there, FUCK 'em! They'll melt and they'll fuckinnn'—Roscoe and Sadie'll lick 'em up. FUCK 'EM! Besides mom, those motherfuckin' cubes—ice cubes are the only ahhhh-and Roscoe and Sadie are the only ones I can fuckin' rely on!"

—to Roy, who dropped some ice cubes on Lorne's floor


"Sylvester Stallone may have—might actually have to literally come out here and meet my probation officer." 

—to Emma, when Lorne was trying to get his SAG card so he could work with Sylvester Stallone 


Dan, about Emma: 
"This is TMI, but she's defecating. I must have knocked somethin' loose earlier."

"Good job, Dan. I'm proud of you, man. I'm gonna—I'm gonna knock some loo—some shit loose with—with Winnie, too."



—to Winnie


"If some fat-ass, scrawny bitch did that to me, their ass would be in jail." 

—to Tiffany (Casey)


"Probably your sister's got one. Ask her if you can you use it." 

—to Winnie, asking her to use her sister's dildo


"No, you're NOT gonna hear the asshole story!!"

—to Nathanielette and Emma, when they asked WHY he showed Ramona his literal ashole


"Could I be the next Taylor Swift? I hope not. I'm not a girl." 

—to Ramona


"Was you on the phone with Carter when you clicked me off when I called you?" 

—to Jamie


"You want me and you to be me and you? Let that bullshit go." 

—to Tiffany


"Alright, enough talkin' about your pecker, Roy."


"Your asshole smells like Roy's cum and gloryhole cheese."

"How do you know what Roy's cum smells like?"


"Do you not understand what homophobic is?! It means that you don't want anything to do with homophobes! You can be friends with homophobes, but you don't fuckin' let homophobes near you!" 

—to Nathanielette


"He's actually a blood cousin?"

"No, he's my oil cousin. We're related by oil."

"So he's like a cousin."


"I took a picture of my butt in my truck, and I sent it to you, remember?" 

—to Winnie


"You bein' a female... when I mention my mom... and you're sayin' that you wanna marry me... the last thing you should ever say is, 'punch my mom in the fuckin' throat.'" 

—to Tiffany (Casey)