—to Cas3y
An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!
"Well, it's kinda like with Doberman Pinschers when their—they—uhb—the—their brain grows so much that it—ehb—squeezes on their skull, and it gives them a constant headache, and that's why Doberman Pinschers have such an attitude."
—to Paul M
"the first and the last [picture] you sent me........such a sexy little body :D"
—to Kayla, the 13-year-old decoy
"I don't give a fuck! She don't belong BEHIND him!"
—to Ember, about Ramona shaving the Doctor's back
"You told me you had a best friend, who was black, in the f*ckin' airforce. You couldn't even remember his f*ckin' name."
Lorne, after a long pause:
"What, Tyrone?"
A totally real picture of Lorne hanging out with Tyrone Blackman, Lorne's totally real black friend who really totally exists. |