An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"I'm sorry about wanting pictures from you. But I don't know why I'm saying sorry because I'm not sorry about wanting pictures from you." 

—to Jamie


"Well, baby, I hope you clean your stink-ass cuz I don't wanna smell stink, I wanna—I wanna be able to get down there and eat." 

—to Winnie


"'We're broken up! We're broken up! We're broken up!'  You say that fucking CONSTANTLY! When you say that constantly like that, I get tired of hearing it! Then I finally say, 'Okay, she's just fuckin' said it enough times, she must not fuckin' want me!' "

—to Jamie


"She liked me more than she did James but she slept with him because she liked me more." 

—to Will, about Paula 

(Editor's note: Yes, he said this)


"It sits on your finger. It's just a reminder of me, so when you look down at it you can think about me." 

—to Cas3y, about a ring he wants to give her, proving that even his gifts are given for selfish reasons


"What's the name of the other moon that's on Mars?"

—to Jamie


"I've never given such a fuck, and cared so much and... I've never been hurt by such little things so easily."

—to Will, about how Lorne loves Jamie more than he's ever loved anyone


"The temperature in here now is 32 degrees."

"How come you don't fuckin' find a way for your dogs to be warm, idiot?"

"They have COATS on—they ARE warm."

(Editor's note: 32° Fahrenheit = 0°Celsius, the point of freezing. Also, see quote #2039)


"Nathaniel hacked off your fuckin' phone."

—to Ramona


"You're being inappropriate."

"Yeah, but it's with the woman I'm in love with, so it's okay."


"I'm sick of you not wanting to be here."

—to Jamie


"You wanna keep fuckin' around with Dan-love and bein' a Dan-lover?"

—to Winnie 


"I am not gonna laugh at things that are not laughable about."

—to Emma, when he didn't find it funny that she called him "Mr. Penis"


"I just went to pee too. You should have held it for me. I had a hard-on." 

—text to Cas3y


"I don't defend what I did. I defend what I know I did not WANT to do."

—to the Therapist, about trying to molest a 13-year-old


"I've had a lot of people tell me that I look like Justin Timberlake."

—to Cas3y & Jamie

I was going to label the picture, but I forget which one is Lorne.


"I'm not making you happy because you're not making ME happy!"

—to Ramona


"Alright, let's go."

—to Silent Rick, who did not exist


"I'd compare [your boobs] to... a balloon full of... actually a balloon full of water. Full of water so it's... tight."

—to Jamie


"I do think that Iraq had something to do with it; that there was somethin' between Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden. I'm sure they talked a few times, I'm sure."

—to Paul Mauro, about 9/11


"You will be legally over the limit and drunk and it will look bad on your resume."

—text to Cas3y, after she said she was going to drive after having 2 beers


"How can you NOT live... without looking for a message from this guy when you're on the phone with me?!"

—to Jamie, about Rawd


"Stop fuckin' knowin' it all!"

—to Winnie


"People are doing a good job at being too noticeable."

—to Dan, about how no one answers the phone when Lorne calls, but they answer when other people call, and the fact that Lorne has figured that shit out