An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"You gotta know that the guy wants to treat you as a special person.... not just because you're a sex tool."

—to Rhoda, Lorne's 18-year-old "stepdaughter"


"I'm gonna point the cam at my penis because I look like shit, okay?"

—to Kayla, the 13-year-old decoy


"Your weird cock head looks like a piece of popcorn on the end of a chopstick that was accidentally melted and to the side."

"Do you love me?"


"I'm not gonna lie to you and say that I don't need AA, but I don't need AA."

—to Tiffany (Debbie)


"I don't have tits, I have a chest. Women have tits."

—to Jamie


"You were my master drunker."

—to Dan


"I stuck my tongue all the way in. All of what I had of my tongue."

—to Cas3y, about performing oral sex on a woman


"You better keep your fuckin' pussy covered! At least—nyehh—dehh—keep fuckin' guys away from your goddamn pussy!" 

—to Winnie


"You have been in our relationship longer than we have!"

—to Will, about Jamie


"I have to register AS a sex offender! I am NOT a sex offender!"

—to Ramona


"You're Mr. Penis."

"Yeah, and you're my mate."


"You are the ONLY ONE, including Emma—you are the ONLY ONE that has a fuckin' chance to have a full fuckin' trust in ME." 

—to Tiffany (Casey)


"I kiss your picture every morning." 

—to Winnie 


"I was fuckin' drunk! I'm still not fuckin' over bein' my drunk! I'm TRYING to get over bein' my drunk."

—to Ramona


"My butt is NOT flat, honey. Trust me."

—to Jamie


"I don't want a fuckin' thing to do with him anymore! Fuckin' turnin' his bullshit right around, blamin' his fuckin' pecker comin' out of his pants on me!" 

—voicemail to Debbie, about Will


"If you didn't pull BULLSHIT, we never would'a not been ourselves." 

—to Winnie