An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"The big reason why I wanted my compu—my computer back was so that I could keep an eye on what people were doin'. Like findin' things in the store with my face on 'em, without my permission." 

—to Tiffany (Debbie), about making sure stores weren't selling Lorne Armstrong merchandise


"All I can ask you to do is give me 100% of you again." 

—to Ramona


"You have to let air get to your muscles." 

—to YouTube viewers, about the importance of resting between sets during workouts


"Does that make you happy? That you got a—you got a virgin tongue butthole fucker?" 

—to Jamie


"You gotta realize, Mom, that Ralph and Laurie are not angels! They're pieces a' shit!"

—to Mama Gwen, about her two oldest children


"Every guy you invite over your house makes my love go away." 

—to Winnie


"She is so much in my fuckin' heart, it's unreal." 

–to Will, about Jamie 


"I don't abuse you on a daily basis."

—to Jamie


Will (to Cas3y): 
"I can hear the steam coming out of his ears, trying to think."

"Ahhbdeh—I think that's probably your own steam in your own eyes, Will."


"If you said I got my booty busted by my WIFE, you know, that I might smile about." 

—to Winnie


"I'll be better soon, I can feel it. It's time to make that dollar-dollar bill, y'all."

"Uhll—that—that dollar-dollar dough has to wait until you feel better."


"All I've ever wanted was for her and me to have a fuckin' fair chance, but covid hit and fucked it right at the fuck up." 

—to Will, about Jamie (not a typo—that's how he said it)


"I think we've lied to each other enough." 

—to Winnie