An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin!



"You haven't liked me for the last 4 days. That's a lot of not likin'."

—to Jamie


"Grab your fuckin' foreskin and stick it in your mouth." 

—to Winnie/Emma, who was pretending to be a very drunk Roy


"And I KNOW my mom is gonna—will love you right to FUCKING death, if you treat her right. And I KNOW you'll treat her right because I know this BULLSHIT that you fucking say on the goddam phone is fucking HORSESHIT, because I KNOW how you'll be with my mom." 

—to Tiffany (Casey


"Your crush on fuckin' Dan better go."

—to Winnie 


"I'm athletic, but I'm still not great at horseshoes."

—to Hannah


"Honey, will you stop spurt—squirting around the question."

—to Jamie


"Placenta pills should work exactly the same way."

—to Winnie, trying to convince her that placebo pills are as medically effective as a voodoo pigeon beak


"That's why you feel love for ME, because you're not in love with HIM." 

—to Ramona (AFTER Lorne found out she was a catfish), telling her he knows she loves him and not her real boyfriend, Corey


"I don't want GUYS staying over your house! I don't want GUYS bringing you toilet paper!" 

—to Winnie


"And my—and my uncle's 84 years old, and he couldn't—nngh—he had a hard time takin' care a' things at the end of his life. So—ennghennnhghdehgnhhennghg—do you wanna say something BAD about my 84-year-old DEAD uncle?"

—to Tiffany (Debbie)


"There isn't a game, Lorne. You broke up with me, yes or no?"

"YES, and you know I've been trying to get back together with you. But you're danglin' this fuckin' bullshit in front of my face."

"Then we aren't together."

"Well—mmgh.... then WILL YOU MARRY ME."


"See? I'm not gonna keep playing the fuckin' game, Jamie."


"My gown got caught on the bed rail and it exposed my panties."

"Gabriel? Who's Gabriel?!"


"My memory is FUCKED UP like that! I can't remember what I was—what I did YESTERDAY! But you wait—give me fuckin' three years, I'll remember it! That's how my fuckin' memory works!"

—to Ramona 


"I don't want a dick... I want your pussy. I want your lips, I want your neck. I want your boobies, I want your butt. I want your hair, I want your dimples. I want your nose. I want your eyes. I want you."

—to Winnie



—to Tiffany (Casey)


"Give me a hundred percent of you so I can give you a hundred percent of me."

—to Ramona


"When we masturbate.... don't mention my mom."

—to Winnie


"There's a couple more on there for thirty-five thousand, thirty thousand, twelve thousand, ten thousand, two thousand, six thousand, eight thousand—emnhngnggnngg..."

—to Jamie, about Beanie Babies on eBay



—to Jamie, about Will


"It won't be hairy forever, honey."

—to Winnie, referring to her 'butthole'


"I cherish every time I sit down. I... relax. I cherish it. The problem is, I don't like sitting down because I sit down all week."

—to Emma