An Archive Of Utterances By A Man So Smart It Will Make Your Head Spin

Hahhh? (about)


First off, why am I doing this blog? I have no idea. I guess I'm just a hater. And a Xavier-lover.

This blog is a work-in-progress. It will take a long time to 'finish'. I've realized that there are lih—liher—lihlerallly hundreds [EDIT: thousands!] of good quotes (bad) enough to add. 

Transcribing Lorne Armstrong is not easy, given his wacky speech patterns, terrible grasp of the English language, and, of course, his infamous squeaks, squeals, and mini-syllables. I've done what I could with what he has bestowed. Then there's the spelling. I considered doing the altered spellings, such as cawk and yesh and oat straight. I decided against it. I even spelled pitcher the correct way. I actually regret spelling everything properly now. But I'm over 1500 quotes in and it's too late. Oh well. As Lorne Armstrong once so astutely said:

"Ya did, ya do. Guh'luck!"

Corrections, suggestions, and BABY WHAT THE FAWKs can be sent using the contact form on the right-hand side of the page. Seriously, I want people to suggest things and help me correct errors. I hate spelling mistakes.

Anyway, enjoy your stay. A search bar is located at the top of the page, there's weak cawfee on the counter, and Door Dogs are in the fridge.


**GIF made from a video created by Enter the Cawdverse